Hello and welcome to Insta-Teacher!
My name is Diana and I teach first grade in California.
I have a teaching blog, Happy Teacher Happy Kids, where you will find lots of easy teaching resources for K-2 teachers and parents.
Click here to grab one of my favorite HTHK freebies-
a seriously corny joke book to make handwriting practice hilarious!
Insta-Teacher is all about helping you eliminate teacher stress right now!
Did you find your way here because you are scrambling to get sub plans ready for tomorrow?
Maybe you have that special teacher strain of flu that
normal medications have no effect on?
Did your simultaneous cases of double pink eye, pneumonia, strep throat,
& sinus infection wake you up?
Sad but true: I actually had all of those at the same time one school year.
Maybe you have been googling things like:
Sick teacher needs sub plans!
Easy sub plans ready to print!
How to make sub plans?!
Or maybe you wound up on this page because you are just plain tired.
Exhausted, worried, anxious, drained, sleepy….
insert your chosen adjective here.
Did you find yourself searching,
Brand new teacher here! Someone help me!
Maybe you’re even here because you are learning to cope with a chronic illness and still give your best to your students.
That’s where I’m at.
This year will mark more years of teaching with a life altering medical condition than healthy years of teaching for me.
I am so thankful for each day that I am well enough to be able to teach.
My illness has given me a renewed sense of purpose & joy as a teacher.
Teaching can be hard at the best of times and when you are exhausted and sick it can be a devastating challenge, physically and emotionally.
I know how awful it feels to struggle writing sub plans late at night.
Crossing your fingers that you will be able to create engaging and worthwhile activities for your students that are also simple enough for a substitute teacher to use successfully.
Whatever the reason for your visit to Insta-Teacher,
I want to help you make those sub plans so you can get back in bed!